Art inspired by #ChristaForrestFineArt on #lifebook2020.

ARTICLE: Feeling vulnerable? Call on your inner warrior.

With the ongoing development of COVID 19, the globe faces an uncertain future. This can be unnerving for many and may give rise to great anxiety. There are many things that are not within our control. Though there are many ways in which we can curb our anxiety and worry. Of course, washing our hands and social distancing are what health authorities recommend. Here are an additional 5 ideas you may wish to implement into your daily routine.

Call your loved ones

Even though we are told to implement social distancing into our daily lives, we can still stay connected with those we love. We can pick up the phone and call those we care about. This is an opportunity to remain connected and appreciative of the most important people in our lives. Maybe you can’t visit your grandparents, but how happy would they be to hear from you?

Daily meditation

It is difficult to remain grounded when it seems there is danger all around you. Media representations of hoarding and updates on this pandemic are unsettling and stressful. Stress weakens our immune system. We need a strong immune system to weather this storm. Meditation helps to settle the nerves and brings stress levels down. The meditation can be very simple. Here is one example from Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hahn:

Breathing in, I see you my little anxiety. Breathing out, I will take good care of you.

You can repeat the above sentences as you slowly breath in and out, as many times as you need to. The mediation acknowledges and legitimizes your feelings, while helping you cope with your feelings.

Eat healthy foods

One of the best ways to build a strong immune system is eat healthy foods. You know what foods work best for you. However, in general, produce packed with essential nutrients are a great way to start. Also, healthy food has been known to boost mood and alleviate anxiety and depression. This is a great time to become more healthy and become more aware of possible unhealthy eating habits.

Take on a hobby

Some of us are stuck indoors during this pandemic. There are many hobbies we can introduce into our lives. For example, online art instruction is available from many many amazing artists. Youtube and Pinterest are great resources to find hobbies which may interest you. Think of this as a time to focus on you and develop talents you did not have time for previously.

Rest and relaxation

During these uncertain times, it is important to rest and relax. For some, getting some more sleep time is essential. Maybe rest means watching a Netflix show or reading a good book with a nice cup of hot tea. Do whatever helps you rest and relax. No matter what rest and relaxation means to you, now is a good time to do it.

Overall, self-care is essential during difficult times. If you implement a practice of self-care, you replenish yourself and become more resilient. In turn, you can be there for your most cherished ones and maintain a sense of peace, even if a storm is brewing around you.

Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy.

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