ARTICLE: Thought Experiment: a world filled with ART and CREATIVE EXPRESSION.

Art and creative expression serve as an important benefit to society, yet rarely are artists rewarded at the level that they should be. One may even argue that art and creative expression are suppressed in certain areas of the world. But what if art and creative expression became the norm throughout this tiny blue planet in the universe? What would the world look like? I envision a beautiful world. Read More

ARTICLE: Creativity… a game changer!

Lately, I have been embarking on a creative journey. I have become enamoured with mixed media art. I have bought several books on the topic and now I am practicing the techniques. The process has been extremely joyful, meditative and at times frustrating. The process has allowed me to know myself better and to embrace authenticity. The process can also be very therapeutic. Read More

ARTICLE: In me, past, present, future meet. A poem about decision-making for complex human beings.

Siegfried Sassoon’s poem, ‘In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet’ is noteworthy for a number of reasons, not just for the poem and the possible interpretations of it, but also for the poet behind the poem. Sassoon was a complex human being (like many of us) and this may be why this poem strikes a chord, as it helps us to understand the complexity of decision-making. Read More

ARTICLE: How do stories help navigate life? Here are 5 ways.

Stories have an important role to play. They can free us from feeling stuck in our lives. Stories can heal and help us to come to terms with troublesome events, especially when they are shared with trusted confidants. Stories have the power to shift our perceived place and space in this world. Stories have the ability to influence thoughts and decisions. They help us to understand what happened before, what is happening now and what may happen in the future. Stories can also transport us to other places and worlds, right from the comforts of our home. Read More